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  Badaboum Found!
by LCS Hockey

Badaboum, our hero

After over a year of searching, it seems we may have finally found Badaboum! Recently a Mr. Steve Potvin wrote and informed us that there will be a gathering on January 29 in honor of Badaboum and the Quebec Nordiques. Here is the official notice:

There will be a show about the Quebec Nordiques and their mascot, Badaboum, for Nordiques fans who live in Quebec City. Computer engineering and electric engineering students from Laval University invite everyone who loved or still love Quebec Nordiques on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at "Les Galleries de la Capitale." For more information e-mail François Deschamps at francois.deschamps@residences.ulaval.ca.

Could it be true? Has our search finally come to an end? We are feverishly trying to contact our big furry blue buddy and hope to have word from him in the near future. In the meantime, if you live in the Quebec City area, be sure to check out the bash on January 29 and let us know how it goes.

Viva la Badaboum!

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