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A Tribute to the Whale
By LCS Guide to Hockey

The Whalers are leaving Hartford. Woe is LCS.

Oh sure, the Hartford government is making one final push to try and keep the team in town, but c'mon, you can stop the snow job, cadet, we can take it. From here on out it's nothing but an endless road of honky tonks and one-nighters and no place to go when the bars close.

In order for LCS to try and deal with the grief brought about by this tragic announcement, we have decided to dedicate this issue to our beloved Hartford Whalers. We just hope that this tribute is in someway a worthy thank you for all the great times, and great punch lines, the Whale have provided us over the years.

Along the way we'll take a look back at a few of our most memorable past features on the Whale, while also presenting original material chronicling the present state of the franchise and its possible future.

If the Whale is truly leaving, LCS didn't want to miss its chance to say good-bye. We hope you enjoy this sincere tribute. And make sure that you keep this issue in a safe place, because it will surely become a collector's item. Now go forth and read the good word of the Whale.

LCS: Guide to Hockey

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