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  20 Questions with Jason York
by Chad Michael Lindburg and Joe Whalen, Correspondents

1. If you where a character from Star Wars, which one would you be?

Han Solo

2. If you were stranded on a desert island, what five CD's would want to have with you?

Rolling Stones - Hot Rocks; Led Zeppelin - Box Set; Rod Stewert - Greatest hits; Amanda Marshal; Guns 'n' Roses - Use Your Illusion Blue Cover.

3. What five movies would you want with you?

What About Bob, Kingpin, Shawshank Redemption, Tommy Boy, and a good porno.

4. What was something as a child that you did that got you in trouble?

Beat up on my sister.

5. Cupcakes or Muffins?


6. Who is your toughest opponent?

Jaromir Jagr.

7. What is the first thing you do after you get your paycheck?


8. What was you favorite cereal as a kid?


9. What was a toy that you wanted as a child, but never got?

A Bigwheel.

10. Elevator music or Rap?


11. Gary Bettman, thumbs up or thumbs down?

No Comment.

12. What instrument would you play if you could play any one?


13. Expansion, good or bad?


14. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

The Incredible Hulk.

15. And your favorite cartoon?


16. Preparation or luck?


17. Who is the coolest guy in the NHL?

Ron MacLean.

18. Why did you choose your number?

I wore in the minors and seemed to have success with it.

19. Mary Anne or Ginger?

Mary Anne.

20. What is hard on the outside and soft on the inside?

A Chipwich.

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